*Spoilers for season 1* After the success of the first season of Fox and Marvel’s television show; Legion, it is inevitable that a second would be made. It was well received by nearly everyone who watched it. For me, it… Continue reading →
*Minor Spoilers* This is where I start to notice how long Bearded Robot is going; when a TV show has ANOTHER season reviewed and posted on the site. It seemed like only a few months ago when I wrote the… Continue reading →
* No spoilers * “Dread It, Run From It, Destiny Still Arrives” and so it has. 10 years in the making and after many many superhero films, all of which have been building the Marvel Cinematic Universe to this moment;… Continue reading →
*Minor Spoilers* In the shadow of the looming Infinity War; a film which has been in the making ever since the end credits of the first Avengers film in 2012 (with some of the groundwork being laid as early as… Continue reading →
*No Spoilers* This war has breed a saying oft-repeated. “Payback is a motherfucker”. At Valley Forge we have another. “If you think Paybacks bad — You haven’t met Frank Castle” – Marvel MAX: Punisher Born #2 I remember when I… Continue reading →
*Very Minor Spoilers, and Major Spoilers for some of the previous MCU films* When Thor was first introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it was a game changer. Before then, Iron Man fought business CEOs and Edward Norton was the… Continue reading →
Mondays… what the hell are we going to do with ourselves now that Game of Thrones has finished? And now (not that any of you are watching it) Twin Peaks has finished, what are we going to watch? Especially since… Continue reading →
*Spoiler Free* My biggest issue with the Guardians of the Galaxy is that I am unsure as to which Guardian is my favourite. Maybe it is Drax… or… or maybe it is Baby Groot? No… no definitely Rocket. The problem… Continue reading →
*Minor Spoilers* When you ask most people if they like Marvel’s Agents of Shield, they will say no. A lot of them were put off by the first half of the first season back in 2013. It was a shaky… Continue reading →
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