

Rising Sun – Breakdown & Review (also includes Kickstarter rant FOC)

Rising Sun is the latest release that has come straight out of Kickstarter. My brother made his pledge about a year ago, and finally, last week, received an enormous box with this game in it. I thankfully had a chance… Continue reading →

Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate – Review

Just before I got heavily into table top games, my brother (who has spent thousands over the last few years buying them) showed me one that blew me away. In amongst games of Dead of Winter, Colt Express, and Camel… Continue reading →

Fallout: The Board Game – Overview and Review

War… war never changes, except in board game form! After spend hundreds of pounds on Christmas presents for the wife and kids, nieces and nephews, mums and dads, I decided to treat myself to a few little games for myself,… Continue reading →

Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Legends of the Alliance App

For anyone who has never heard or played of Imperial Assault, IA is a table top RPG set in the Star Wars universe by Fantasy Flight. Anyone who has Descent: Journeys In The Dark will be very familiar with the… Continue reading →

Resident Evil 2: The Board Game

One thing I do not get a chance to write much about on here are articles about Table Top games. I am a huge fan of them and would love Bearded Robot to do more articles about upcoming games, people’s… Continue reading →

Best Computer Game Music for a Table Top RPG

Music is a very important factor when running table top RPGs. Like in all films and computer games, if it is done correctly, then you can make your audience specific emotions at the right moments in time. In action sequences,… Continue reading →

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