You may have missed this and it would be understandable, as it was glossed over very cleverly, but there was yet further proof of Jon Snow’s heritage if we hadn’t guessed it already.

So far we’ve had strong hints at Jon Snow being a true born Targaryen, for example the flashback scene in one of Bran’s dream sequences where he sees young Ned enter the Tower of Joy and find his sister on her death bed with a new born son. Ned always claimed the boy as his bastard and that’s understandable as any son born from from Rhaegar Targaryen would have been executed by King Robert and the Lannisters immediately. Ned’s last words to Jon through tear-filled eyes was “The next time we see each other we’ll talk about your mother”. Of course they never met again.

Season 7 has also strongly hinted at it. Jon and Davos’ conversation with Missandei about bastards and her disbelief of the concept of a bastard, the show reminding us of what Jon is. The scene with Drogon trusting Jon to touch him was also a large hint that this dragon can sense Targaryen blood within him too. And finally Gilly cementing a giant fact which will shake the Game of Thrones community…

Gilly reads that a Maester Maynard recorded a request of annulment from Prince Rhaegar from his wife Elia Martell and then a secret marriage in Dorne to somebody else (Lyanna Stark – King Robert’s lover and Ned’s sister). This is massive. King Robert and Ned went to war with the Targaryen’s because he believed Lyanna was taken by Prince Rhaegar and locked away in the Tower of Joy, when in fact it clearly wasn’t that at all. Prince Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark were in love and married in secret before having a baby boy (Jon Targaryen). Westeros law states that you are a bastard if you are born outside of marriage, which we’ve now found out is NOT the case for Jon.

King Robert proceeded to kill Prince Rhaegar in battle whilst he sent Ned to “save” Lyanna and find out the truth, which he took to his grave.

Skip to 0:32 to hear the big reveal!

So what does this mean? For starters, it means that Jon is the rightful heir to the throne. Many believe this to be Daenerys, but because of primogeniture it’s actually Jon who would technically be next in line. Primogeniture ensures the right of succession of the crowned Prince, including all titles and estates pass directly to the firstborn male child, skipping siblings. Having said this, unless Dany is to die, I’m not sure Jon would even want to be King, so it’s probably not an important point anyway. What is important is that Jon is a Targaryen born within wedlock and we may yet see him ride one of the dragons, which surely has to be Rhaegal, named after his father.

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