Sorry for the long hiatus guys. After a year and a half of being Beardless, we are now back with a new direction for site/enthusiasm for all things geeky.
Allow us to introduce you to the Bearded Robot Podcast. The episodes will be available through Spotify and on Youtube, both of which the links can be found in the menu above on the home page.
There is no better time to do this thank durting the quarantine/lockdown aye. Hopefully this will help a few people kill an hour. As we are all in this together.
We will try and do this biweekly or something (at this time we do not have an idea of how often we will do this, but we will try and make sure that we add a new episode whenever we can).
All of our old content, such as the articles, videos, reviews, and everything else, is still available, however, this can now be found in the Archive page on the front menu.
Our first episode is covering the remake of Final Fantasy 7 and will be up on the site in a few moments.
We hope you enjoy it and please provide us feedback on either; this site, or on our YouTube channel, and be sure to share, like, subscribe and everything else.
It’s good to be back! Stay tuned for more episodes in the weeks to follow!
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